Content and Design Strategy
Creating your story is an art & science
Content and Design
- How to influence the customer journey and convert leads with content
- How to create content that is relevant, valuable and unique to your product and brand
- The impact of mobile on advertising design
- Tools to integrate your digital advertising seamlessly with offline
- Blog Creation with Recommended blog content strategy
Keyword Planning and Research
Review keywords and choosing the right keywords to optimize your website's SEO and Ranking
Exercise: Mapping keywords to the marketing funnel and search journey
•Keyword research (steps and process, review of keyword tools)
On-Page SEO
•Direct and indirect ranking signals
•One-site elements and on-page content
•Mobile SEO best practices
•Technical SEO tools and best practices
Understand what the most important on-page SEO elements are
Learn how to find keywords that result in moving your organization forward
•Understand what SEO trends marketers need to pay attention